Caring for Jade Plant

Caring for Jade Plant

Caring for Jade

Jade is an awesome succulent that just builds itself a whole tree of leaves. It is also doesn’t require as much sunlight as most succulents making it an amazing houseplant. This caring for jade guide should lead you to grow a big and healthy jade plant.

Caring for jade is also really easy! If you are a beginner at gardening with succulents, I recommend you look for a jade. They come in a variety of different colors and shapes.

They are also great propagators, check out how here!

Jade Care-Light

As I just mentioned, jade doesn’t require as much sunlight as other succulents. I keep mine next to a window that gets some afternoon sun but nothing too intense. If you want your jade to grow fast, add more light.

Jade Care-Water

Jade can handle some more water as I have found them to be more root rot resistant. However, I still water once a week with a good soak. If you are hesitant to water and new to succulents, I would wait for the leaves to wrinkle before watering each time. In the photo on the left you can easily see the wrinkles on the back leaf.

Jade Care-Soil

As with most succulents, use cactus/succulent soil or fast draining soil.

Jade Care-Blooms

Jades will bloom in winter months. To induce blooming, move jade to cooler areas with less light than it was receiving in the summer months. The blooms are a really beautiful white flower.

I hope you enjoyed our quick caring for jade tutorial. Don’t forget to check out how to propagate your jade so you can keep your garden growing!


1 thought on “Caring for Jade Plant”

  • Hello! I live in Florida and currently have my jade outside due to hurricane shutters preventing sunlight from entering the house. I have 4 individual plants of jade in a pot, prior to the shutters it seemed as if 2 wilting and getting wrinkly leaves while the other 2 seemed to be thriving. Since being put outside the wilting plants have been coming back to life, but have a yellow/green color and have been dropping leaves. The leaves also seem to be a bit black in some spots. If there is any tips you could provide for caring for my jade while he is outside that would be greatly appreciated

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