Succulent Easter Nest DIY

Succulent Easter Nest DIY

Easter is fast approaching and nothing screams Easter and spring like bright colors and plants. That’s what makes this succulent Easter nest the perfect project.

However, right now I might be trying to grasp some spring considering it is blizzarding outside right now.

Succulent Easter Nest

Here is a video to walk you through how I did it and care tips! More directions below.


  1. Grapevine Nest
  2. Sphagnum Moss
  3. Succulents
  4. Hot Glue
  5. Decorative Rocks-optional

Start by gluing your sphagnum moss in the nest using the hot glue. If you are putting this on a table, you can get away with barely gluing the moss in. If you plan on hanging this somewhere you will need to glue the moss in really well.

Take cuttings from your succulents and using the hot glue, glue the succulent into the moss. The hot glue will not burn the succulent stem, just don’t put hot glue on the leaves because they will burn

When arranging the succulents, put the tallest towards the back of the arrangement leading to the front with smaller succulents.

Adding rocks will break the arrangement up for the eye to make it easier to look at.

Care Tips

Three days after making the succulent Easter nest, you can water it. Do so by filling up a bowl of water big enough to hold the nest. Place the nest in the water, not submerged, for 30 minutes. Remove from the water and let it drain.

Water once a week.

Make sure the succulents get ample light.


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